Reach your performance and health goals through a customized, whole-food, evidence based approach to fueling your body.

Virtual Nutrition Workshops

Root-Nutrition offers workshops on a variety of sports nutrition topics, including fueling for endurance sports, nutrition for injury prevention, and much more. Workshops can be customized to meet the needs of any endurance team.

Meal Planning

Take the guesswork and stress out of meal planning. Root-Nutrition provides you with the knowledge and tools to create personalized  nourishing meals that will fuel your performance and health.

One-on-One Nutrition Coaching

Personalized nutrition coaching helps athletes enhance their performance and reach their nutrition goals. We emphasize a food first approach rooted in science and provide you with an individualized nutrition plan that is practical for you to put into action.

Nutrition coaching services offered

  • Sport specific fueling
  • Race day fueling plan
  • Injury prevention
  • Optimizing health
  • Medical Nutrition Therapy for chronic disease prevention and management including hypertension, hyperlipidemia and pre-diabetes

What’s included in your nutrition coaching

  • In-depth nutrition and health history assessment
  • We collaborate to create a personalized nutrition plan that fits easily into your lifestyle
  • Identify barriers that stand in the way of meeting your nutrition goals
  • Set realistic and achievable goals to create healthy habits

Getting Started

Initial Nutrition Coaching Session: $195.00 (75-minutes)

What to expect:

  • In depth review of your health and nutrition history
  • Review your nutrition and performance goals
  • Gain evidence based nutrition knowledge to help you reach your goals
  • Work together as a team to set realistic and attainable nutrition goals that are in line with your health and performance goals

Follow-up Nutrition Coaching Session: $135.00 (60-minutes)

What to expect:

  • Assess the progress you’ve made since your previous session
  • Continue to devise strategies that support your long-term nutrition and performance goals and work through any challenges you are facing
  • Work together as a team to set realistic and attainable nutrition goals that are in line with your health and performance goals

Performance Package

You will have a dietitian on your team to help you keep momentum as you work towards reaching your performance nutrition goals! We will work together to set attainable goals, assess your progress, address barriers and fine-tune your action plan to set you up for success. Whether your goal is to have a training nutrition plan, a race day nutrition plan or to work towards optimal health, this is a great package to stay accountable to your goals.

Initial One Month Performance Package: $379.00

*Sessions must be used in one month and not to extend past the one month timeframe

This package includes:

  • One 60-minute initial nutrition intake session
  • Three 30-minute weekly check-in sessions

What to expect:

  • In Depth review of your health and nutrition history
  • Review your nutrition and performance goals
  • Gain evidence based and easy to apply nutrition knowledge to help you reach your goals
  • Work together as a team to set realistic and attainable nutrition goals that are in line with your health and performance goals
  • Weekly check-in sessions where we continue to devise strategies that support your nutrition and performance goals and work through any challenges you are facing
  • Continued support to keep forward momentum as you work towards your nutrition and performance goals
  • Unlimited email communication within business hours

Continued Monthly Performance Package: $239.00

*Sessions must be used in one month and not to extend past the one month timeframe
*This package is for established clients who have completed an initial nutrition intake session or initial one-month performance package

This package includes:

  • Four 30-minute weekly check-in sessions

What to expect:

  • Continue to build upon your nutrition knowledge to help you reach your goals
  • Work together as a team to set realistic and attainable nutrition goals that are in line with your health and performance goals
  • Weekly check-in sessions where we continue to devise strategies that support your nutrition and performance goals and work through any challenges you are facing
  • Continued support to keep forward momentum as you work towards your nutrition and performance goals
  • Unlimited email communication within business hours

Next Steps

  • Contact Root-Nutrition to schedule a free discovery call or an appointment;
  • Payment will be due prior to your appointment. Secure payment is processed through your client portal. Payment forms include HSA,